miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008

...tarde pero seguro...

I told you... spring is coming!

domingo, 27 de abril de 2008

... if it is not broken, don't fix it ...

La mejor frase que he oido en mucho tiempo. Originariamente ha aparecido en entorno de diseñadores.Extendible a todos los ambitos. Ahi queda eso.

Bueno bueno. Aalborg jaio da. Bai! jaio in da. Egun hautan eguzkiya atera da egunero. Temperatura igo da. Eguna luzatu da [5am-9.30pm]. Eta danes guziyak eruak bezela emozionatu eta kalea atera dia! Nunca habia visto tanta gente en la calle. Pero donde os meteis!!! Ikaragarriya, egitan e. Biño pozgarriya. Zuhaitzetan loriak hasi dia eta txoriyak kantari. Beste atmosfera bat sentitzen da. Sentitu... oan, sentitzeko denbora hartu dutenian. Excavadora maitiak pixkat absorbitu in nau azken aldiyan... baino bai, bizirik jarraitzen dut. Todavia me sujeto.

Little break about studies (boring stuff):

Solid Works rocks my world. It is beautiful to make an assembly of an excavator, ummmm!

Theories of Science is driving me nuts. Ontology... empirical observation... hermeneutics...

I "love" making calculations about hydraulic pumps, cylinders, servo valves, engines, horse powers, flows, pressure, electrical systems, wheel diameters... oh yeah!

Project management, what an "interesting" word

Let's work in groups: I decide and you do it, ok?

Hello again, itzuli naz nere paranoya mundutik.

Eo! aspaldi eztutela ingleseko hiztegya aktualizatzen. Gaur oso way-a izaten erakutxiko, ok? Internetez, msn-z ta telebistaz oso zabalduak dozten shortcut batzuk jarko.

Bueno, lenbizikua, no se rie jajaja, ni jeje, ni jujuju. Sino: hahahahahahaha!

WTF!= What The Fuck!!!

BTW= By The Way

I want that to be done ASAP!= As Soon As Possible

Andoni, AKA Handon, bla bla bla= Also Known As...

ETA= choca e... pues en un contexto de aeropuerto sería... Estimated Time of Arrival

BBS= Be Back Soon

TTYL= Talk To You Later

aita, este va por ti... RTFM!!!= Read The Fucking Manual!!!

IMHO= In My Honest Opinion

LOL= Laughing out loud

del que se deriva... ROTFLMAO= Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off

COTFLGOHAHA= Crawling on the Floor Laughing Guts Out and Having a Heart Attack

O RLY?= Oh, Really? (Contestación para dejar en evidencia a alguien que ha dicho algo obvio o una barbaridad)

AFAIK= As Far as I Know

CUL8R= See You Later

BOC= But Of Course! (en idioma de Miren: Claro pues!)

EOD= End of Discussion

HWS(PEST)= Husband Wants Sex (Please Excuse Slow Typing)

KISS= Keep It Simple Stupid (Sven's favourite one)

YSWUS= Yea, Sure Whatever You Say!

Ya nahikua. Mila dozte. Guk re holakuk asmatu ber ttugu. Badakit KPMZ ta holakuk zabalduk doztela euskeraz... biño... kiero sugerencias!

ale people. Laxter arte. Laxter zenbat da? ummm, let me think.

Argazki bat jun baño len. Aspaldi asteburu batian etxe maravilloso batea jun ginen 25 pertsona. Istoriyo hoi beste batin kontatuko. Biño idea bat in.

lunes, 7 de abril de 2008


Wow! Lo primero, dar gracias a dios de que el portatil no haya muerto. Bueno, a dios, y a Joseba, que me tuvo que aguantar en mi situacion de "socorro-doycalambre-ayúdame-quieromataraalguien-vivala ignorancia", y mandó buenas vibraciones (si por él fuera ya había entrado en skyscanner, cogido un par de ryanair/easyjet/sterling y se había plantado aquí. Nadie sabe lo que pasó. No enciende, enciende y hace plofff, enchufo la batería, pongo el alimentador, testea los amperios y el voltaje... Nada mal pero no funciona. Hasta que funcionó. Expediente X. Misterios sin resolver.
Ostirala: fin de wofie. gran final. premio bat eman ziguten! (argazkiyak upload behar ttut). Party wofie en la universidad. Irune muerta. Etxea jun ta lo. (behingoz lortuet!!! que parece que es obligacion salir, y no)
Larunbata: disgusto ordenador. gym. Birthday party Andrew. Birthday party Zhor. Private party Mai. Jomfru Ane Gade. Deneta jun nitzen. (Asi llegué a casa a las 7)
Igandia: ordenador sigue sin funcionar. gym. marea al personal. limpia el toilet. marea al personal. busca tester. marea al personal. funciona. siiiiiiiiii! fin del disgusto.

Ez dakit kontuatu zazten, baño aurreko post-ian link batzuk daude. (Oantxe ikasiet nola in, beaz geyo jarriko ditut)
Adibidez: Aalborg (see map).


Zeba dependitzen dugu hainbeste makina hautaz?
PPD: Joseba... el jamón... abrá que encargarlo ahi abajo... hemen de la saltxitxa de oscar mayer no salen. jejej
PPPD: Aste Santukua ya bukatutzat eman dezaket. Gogua izanezkeo, bera jun... ta ikusi!

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008


warning: don't waste your time reading this.
I've already told you about the WOFIE 2008 (workshop for innovation and entrepeneurship), the compulsory workshop we are taking during this week, from nine to four, without lunch break. The point is that what at the beginning sounds like shit, today has turned out to be a great thing.
I'm in a group with three people from Power electronics and drives and one Urban Designer (thank godness that she came today... she is the only one who understands me). There is a guy who guides us through different steps and pushes us forward, so that we deal with one task at a a time. Our problem statement is the following one: "How do we improve virtual experiences?"
OMG...! Yes, virtual hugs, make people meet in a "place", share feelings, transmit smell, touch and taste via internet... whatever (this is for you Ane, yunouworaimin)
Anyway, I've spent the whole day argueing! And I did not realise that I really miss it! I like discussing things, and in the group I feel very comfortable. We don't agree in anything, but that is the cool thing. Furtheremore, we are having crazy ideas, the most out-of-the-box thought you could have and we are trying to develop them, although we know it is impossible (btw, impossible is nothing). The level of abstraction is humongous. But who cares. Nobody will evaluate us afterwards. So we are allowed to do what we want to!!!
My groupmates have almost killed me. It was too much. We've been talking about TELEPATHY for three hours. They were saying that we could make people communicate by using it. OK, I can agree on that. Some people may have the ability for it. But what if a customer wants to use our system and can not? How are we going to do it? (-"yesterday you were telling me not to be so narrow-minded and now you are complaing about my abstraction level?".- a groupmate told me. Yes but, come on!!! telepathy is nothing. where is it? how do we control it? so if we can communicate without physical supports... great! this is the end of the "Age of Telecommunications". Welcome to the Telepathy Age!). Who is going to finance all this shit? Is it ethical to read other people's mind? ufff, neat discussion.
But the great question comes now: can we call telepathy to a man machine communication? WTF. What are you talking about? Please, if somebody reads this, support me. OK, I can hardly say that there are people who have the ability to use telepathy. But can an object connect your brain and send feelings? Of couse yes, if they send waves of the same amplitud that you can interprete. But of course not! Can you contact a bottle of water and share thought with it? Does it have any thought at all? What are you going to "talk" about? Hi, hi, how are you? I'm ok. But I don't know if I feel half empty or half full, can you help me?..." So I say, I'm sorry but that does not exist. But who knows it? It took its time to realise and admit that the earth is rounded... wowowow. Well, anyway, if we want to communicate with not living elements... then it is not called telepathy....
And three hours like this. Without agreeing in anything. Somebody loves (yes, loves) the word and needs to use it, but noooooo! I can not use the word telepathy for that!
I'm becoming crazy... But it's fun! It had helped me to forget about the excavator and use the brain in a free way.
No constraints, no limitations, no marks, no pressure. Enjoy it.
Please, Go to bed!!!